Bees Academy | Modern Learning

Living in a Global Village


Cross Cultural Global Business Skills Trainings explore the unique benefits and challenges of cross cultural differences in conducting business through virtual communication, face-to-face business, social communication, and business protocol and practices.

Learning Outcome

By end of this course the learner is able to:

  • Define globalization, culture, diversity and articulate their importance in today`s market place.
  • List issues related to globalization and factors that helped bring about globalization
  • Learn the importance of diversity in workplace and how to accept other cultures, religions and believes.
  • Understand the global marketplace and how to operate in a way that make the learner global market friendly.


The learner will be assessed based on Bloom`s taxonomy to understand and apply key concepts related to globalization namely:

  • Understand the impact of globalization on learner`s life
  • Apply diversity and cross cultural sensitivity in workplace and how to apply acceptance in such environment
  • Apply globalization principles in marketing context

Course duration:

16 Learning hours