Bees Academy | Modern Learning

Planning & Organizing Skills


When we are at work you may feel we are ‹busy›; but good companies and organizations make certain their employees are busy ‹doing the right things efficiently and effectively› – i.e. ‹doing the right things, right›.
This course is the ideal way to learn and practice the skills of good planning. The course helps learners understand the key elements of planning and organizing – and shows how they can be readily applied to the delegates› work environments. It will help people interested in clearly identifying and prioritizing the tasks and activities needed to achieve both business and personal goals.

Learning Outcome

Learning outcomes
By end of this course your will be able to:

  • Define planning and importance of correct planning
  • Enable the learner to set effective goals and set objectives to aid in the achievement of the goals
  • Understand and apply the principles of prioritizing work or tasks effectively
  • Learn how to organize your office, computer, and paperwork


The learner will be assessed based on Bloom`s Taxonomy to apply namely:

  • SMART Method to plan tasks and activities
  • Tools and techniques to assist in planning and prioritizing your workload
  • Tools to organize self and work offline and online

Course duration:

16 Learning hours